Rihanna - Interview Magazine

I have a lot of visual ideas. It's weird. My brain is working backward right now. I usually have the music first, and the music leads me into all of these visual opportunities, and now I'm having all of these visuals, and I don't have the songs for them yet, but maybe that's the key, this time. Maybe the visual ideas are leading me to the songs that I need to make.

"The best troll in me is the silent troll" indeed.
No Way Reaction GIF by Originals
Did she just try to shoehorn MUSIC onto the Interview just to say NOTHING about it and then go back to sleep? :D Queen behavior honestly.
At this point, she has no music but has visuals and Beyoncé has plenty of music with no visuals so it’s time for a team up!

Why WOULD YOU work another day in your life if you had her money?

And honestly, she ended her music stuff on a pretty high note so why ruin that legacy if you don’t have to. Some people continue on to lesser and lesser results and it tend to sour them in the public eye. Have those babies and roll around that California King Bed covered in cash.
she's essentially said several times now the bar is high and she doesn't want to put out something that's not great. I wonder if Beyoncé being so active at such a high level of quality has also given her pause.

good for her either way, I can wait until she's unlocked whatever it is. also happy for her being routinely inseminated by daddy a$ap.
I don't think Puma sells anything resembling to what she's wearing in the second pic
I really wish she would come back to show Beyoncé how it is done.
she's very busy smoking weed and making billions. why would she return to music? :D
she's very busy smoking weed and making billions. why would she return to music? :D

To win awards and attend those showings wearing nice dresses, to do world tours (USA and Western Europe only), serve in music videos, and gift us gay remixes; possibilities are endless!
Beyonce might be a better singer and dancer but RiRi's actual material has always been head and shoulders above.

Hot take!

IMO Anti is as good as Beyoncé’s best album (Lemonade) but that’s it. Work is the best song she absolutely ever released. 10/10 masterpiece.
She's obviously LYING. I mean, of course she would have some incomplete demos here and there which she doesn't have any intention of finishing and prefers that an old Stargate reject to come her way :disco:

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