The Gilded Age (New Julian Fellows HBO Drama) (1 Viewer)


I’m the hostess of the dinner
Apr 9, 2005

Great cast but I don’t have a lot of faith in Fellows.
after the pussy popping excitement of Bridgerton, I'm not sure anyone will go in for this.

apropos of nothing but why are the colours so flat? it looks so drab and cheap.
also giving Baranski that dreadful pube wig and casting her as the last bastion of the old guard (ie WHITE PEOPLE) is a straight-up hate crime.
after the pussy popping excitement of Bridgerton, I'm not sure anyone will go in for this.

apropos of nothing but why are the colours so flat? it looks so drab and cheap.

I don’t think this aiming at the same position as Bridgerton (thank god). It’s not meant to be as plastic-y looking.
I am very much looking forward to this. I am a sucker for this kind of thing, never mind with Carrie and Christine.
Quite enjoyed this once I’d let the 200 family names wash over me hoping it’ll all come together in a few more episodes. I am here for Mrs Russell cutting some (old) rich bitches though since they shunned her party.

And it’s got secret gays too
was eager to see this (cause baranski and coon, obviously). some "thoughts"?

- an hour and a half episode? wow
- a bit heavy-handed in places - that last scene was doing the most
- lots of clichés and nothing remarkable in terms of visuals or story
- a gay z-story? surely not!
- loved the cast apart from nixon (characterisation) and the niece (mostly character?)
- i hope audra mcdonald and baranski go into business together
- for some reason i kept thinking of the kardashians and the met gala when people didn't want to associate with poor mrs russell. don't worry, you'll be on the cover of vogue soon!

i'll keep watching for the thespians but something better up the stakes and quick!
It was nothing new but I quite enjoyed it for what it was. It will be interesting to see how it fares post-Bridgerton.

I also didn't really care for Cynthia Nixon, or the niece (or the boy across the road). Pretty much everyone else was fine. Christine was as expected, but did not disappoint. As soon as Blake Ritson popped up, I thought oh here we go, but he should be quite fun.

The upcoming episodes are down to an hour I think.
This was alright, Juliane Fellows is a hack with only the one trick up his sleeve but I’d watch Carrie Coon in anything.

The niece is terribly dull.
This was alright, Juliane Fellows is a hack with only the one trick up his sleeve but I’d watch Carrie Coon in anything.

The niece is terribly dull.

i did not know he was (married into becoming) a baron and a conservative peer of the house of lords (that is code for tory, right?)!
I enjoyed this even if it brought nothing new. I hope some more interesting characters show up as the once we got to see weren’t too exciting. I did like the niece though.
Quite enjoyed Episode 2 although not really sure why. I kinda fancy George and the costumes are nice and colourful…

I still haven’t got a clue who they’re fucking talking about and who was the woman at the end? Parachuted in at the end for some juxtaposition and a hint of lesbian.
I gave it about 30 minutes but found it quite dull.
it's still as subtle as a ton of bricks but enjoyed it but then i love shit like this. maybe i was a chambermaid or a lord in a previous life or maybe i was both ok.

the woman at the end is their anna wintour obviously. looks like she's already gagging for a slice of russell pie.

i can already see this falling off a cliff in the next season - the side story with the servant was painful.

‘The Gilded Age’ Viewership Grows 15% In Week 2, Surpasses ‘The White Lotus’​

this is doing well then!
The side story was so Downton Abbey :D

I enjoyed the second episode. There’s really not a lot of Branski and Nixon is getting the more varied role.
I thought Cynthia Nixon was better in the second episode, the more grating tone of voice was lowered a couple of octaves. Baranski had the best line when she dismissively told Nixon that she wouldn't have to worry about an inheritance as she would outlive her.

Hoping Carrie Coon gets a bit more to do.
I’m loving this but I wish the second generation were more interesting. Maybe it’s because I’m finding the Russel kids actors boring.
What I find jarring is that Carrie Coon is 10 years older than her daughter in real life.
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I was wondering about the age gap between the Farmiga sisters… this one looks very young.
According to IMDB Carrie Coon is two years younger than me. :o:bruised:
I’m still younger than Carrie Coon (phew)
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I’m actually loving the whole Marian & aunts and gay cousin and secretary household. It’s the servants (from both sides of the street that I find lacking the most, especially because there are some worrying similarities to Downton Abbey).

I haven't been thrilled since 1865!

I’m actually loving the whole Marian & aunts and gay cousin and secretary household. It’s the servants (from both sides of the street that I find lacking the most, especially because there are some worrying similarities to Downton Abbey).

Absolutely they need to do away with the staff storylines. Succession doesn’t care for the staff and neither should this.

In the last episode I didn’t really get why the Russell’s maid person was suddenly in bed with Lovely George and it wasn’t that bad. I know there’s been flirtations but to just go to that level seemed a bit abrupt.

Totally agree; jumping in bed with her master, against his will, was such a drastic and unrealistic move.
The servants' storylines just feel really half-baked in this. In Downton they were much more fully rounded characters from the beginning, even if some of them weren't completely thrilling. Agree they would be better to focus on upstairs rather than continue with these subplots.
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I did enjoy:

who abused you?
It was HIS fault not your mums!

Oh well that’s that cleared up then in 2 minutes. Be completely forgotten about next week and some new members of staff will have a staring role.

And :D @ Aunt Ada’s hysterical weeping over the missing dog. “I think I need to lie down” :D
This is just silly escapist camp fun :D I love how the conversation online about it has seemingly changed from MILD SNEERS to fully embracing it over the past few weeks.

It all started to come together me in the mildly iconic episode 2 BAZAAR SCENE, where I realised the key players were finally starting to click for me.
Very sad the gays aren't bearded daddy and servant boy who looks like Pete from Mad Men. That would be a MUCH HOTTER scenario.

On the whole I could do without going deep on most of the servants. That cast is STACKED as it is without chucking in half-baked storylines about stealing candlesticks.

Meryl Streep's daughters face is MOST DISTRACTING on account of it looking exactly like her mothers. She's also not a great actress so I hope she starts to blend into the background a bit, as she's been quite prominent in episodes 2&3.

Denée Denton is GORGEOUS, and the bland niece main character is fine I guess. I'd be quite up for the show giving her MAGICAL POWERS as a sort of prequel to Sabrina The Teenage Witch.
I also can't really work out Cynthia Nixon's character. Is she playing her as being a BIT SIMPLE, or is she just a pure-hearted old maid who hasn't got much life experience. She's giving me Tilly from Star Trek Discovery in a petticoat at the moment, and that's not really a good thing.

Can't wait for the inevitable supercut of Christine Baranski's one liners :disco: It's incredible how she's played this character SO MANY TIMES yet remains the absolute best in the business at doing it :disco:

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