Tisch's very quick no thrills top 10 albums of 2020 (1 Viewer)


Serving singing
Jun 11, 2010
South Sandwich Islands
As it's been such a good year for pop I couldn't let it go by without marking it somehow. Please enjoy my list.

1. Lady Gaga - CHROMATICA

2. Alanis Morissette - Such Pretty Forks in the Road
3. Taylor Swift - Folklore
4. Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure?
5. Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia
6. Ava Marks - Heaven and Hell (LATE NEW ENTRY!! :o)
7. Kylie - Disco
8. La Roux - Supervision
. The Chicks - Gaslighter
10. Miley Cyrus - Plastic Hearts

Bubbling under - The Killers - Imploding the Mirage, Steps - What the Future Holds
:D forgot Marley so The Killers has been BUMPED to Bubbling Under and Steps gain a mention too. Unfortunately the middle section of the album just doesn't pull it up into the top 10 for me, but it's very close. Nobody tell Claire. I don't want a twitter complaint. :(
I approve of this alien method.

I do not approve of Chromatica ahead of What's Your Pleasure or Future Nostalgia. That is homophobia.
I’ve never listened to the La Roux album. I keep forgetting it was released. Secondly when I do remember when someone mentions it I feel like it was released 2-3 years ago. Will get Alexa on it soon.
I’ve never listened to the La Roux album. I keep forgetting it was released. Secondly when I do remember when someone mentions it I feel like it was released 2-3 years ago. Will get Alexa on it soon.
Yes I literally had to look up to make sure it was 2020 before including it. (It was early Feb). Everything pre lockdown does feel like a completely different age doesn't it?
When your #1 album is Cosmetica maybe there ARE no thrills to be found.

Love you Tischy bb xx
Well I liked or loved all of them (never heard Alanis or La Roux). All men involved have been relegated to the bubbling under list :D

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