dUb's QUICKFIRE QUESTIONS [Speed Quiz, starts at 4:28pm TODAY]

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  • Jolan Gidney-Craigen
Is this a cry for help? :( OMG are you in Suomi's basement??
QUESTION THREE: On what day of Big Brother 16 UK did Adjoa leave, i.e. Day 1, Day 4 etc.? (It wasn't one of those)
QUESTION FOUR: In her interview promoting the Caution album on pitchfork.com, how did Mariah Carey answer this question: "What does failure teach you?"
QUESTION FIVE: What was the name of the three-part Who's The Boss series finale, broadcast in 1992?
One third of the way in and it's

Tisch 2
Soldi 2
Suomi 1

It's ALL TO PLAY FOR :beer:

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