Kylie - Say Something

The first third really is Kylie by numbers and then the final third is elevated tits out glitterball goddess Kylie.
I'm all for how structurally weird this is. My favourite bits are THE GUITAR (!) followed by the WOAH WOAH bit (with the incredible whispered "thinkin' bout ya!" backing vox). So far the last minute is actually my least favourite bit 'cos "love is love" repeats a couple of times too many when I want the WOAH WOAH bits back for a final hoorah.

Glad it's a proper pop song length and not 2:43. Sonically it's actually quite experimental for her even if it's clearly in her wheelhouse. Vocally she sounds GOOD. 9/10
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Getting notes and whiffs of Lost Without You.

I would like the "Say Something Say Something" to turn into a bit of a chorus. But that's my only note really. It's genuinely giving me BUTTERFLIES (in a good way)

Yes, it is like Lost Without You meets her synthpop staples gone MASSIVE.

Even on the second listen there was a slight heart drop when the chorus didn't materialise but I have now adjusted to her glorious vision.
I'm all for how structurally weird this is. My favourite bits are THE GUITAR (!) followed by the WOAH WOAH bit (with the incredible whispered "thinkin' bout ya!" backing vox).

Yes the guitars in that first verse are so funky in a very unexpected way. I love how much there is going on with this.
I think the woah woah bits are the most fillery to be honest - but also @Jark they DO come back at the end, just buried in amongst the other layers.

I love the production though and it absolutely does reveal its charms so much more on a second listen once you’re used to the structure.
It really is very layered. There's so many self references. The guitars bring me back to Impossible Princess and then there's the more obvious I Believe in You.
The song is basically the aural equivalent of DISCO TEARS :disco: :(

I now need an extended remix with the last minute looped to 3 to SANDWICH the song at start and finish kthxbye
It’s not unlike her Giorgio Moroder collaboration in the verses either.
A whelming first listen but I’ll stick with it

Is it the first major song to refer to lockdown? I like that about it
Well I for one am GLAD she isn't just pastiching disco- because it NEVER WORKS. It just sounds CHEAP. (See 100 Degrees and, well, New York City)

Oh and I LOVE IT :disco:
I agree with @Ag about the self referential nods in there - and there are hints of the Golden era as well (the way she sings Say SOMETHIN' & the guitars)
Just as a comparison. She's 33 years into her chart career now. Presuming this will skim the charts in some form or other. At this stage Cher was about to release Believe. Madonna was falling off stages to get headlines.

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