Eurovision Rewatch Tallinn 2002 (BST 20:00 15/04)
Breaking news: The one pound coin is (slightly) magnetic!

I'm not really focussed on the voting.
Boob rate since I can feel the thread is dying already:
1. Estonia
2. Croatia
3. German backing singers
4. Fuck it, Malta
5. Jessica, for nostalgia if not actual merit
Yeah, that seems about right. I don't know when the late night rewatch threads on a Wednesday even became a thing rather than a fun extra on the Saturday.
I feel vindicated after Marie Myriam confused Royaume-Uni and Roumanie
:D:disco: I might actually join in next time there’s a particularly dreadful selection if we’re playing RATE THE BOOBS

Although obviously I’ll also throw in a POTENTIALLY HAIRY BACK RATE for balance :disco:
Boobs rate has always been a part of this game. :disco: At least as long as much of the forum are distracted by whatever gay teacup storm they are concocting.

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