Eurovision Rewatch Tallinn 2002 (BST 20:00 15/04)
Breaking news: The one pound coin is (slightly) magnetic!

I'm not really focussed on the voting.
Boob rate since I can feel the thread is dying already:
1. Estonia
2. Croatia
3. German backing singers
4. Fuck it, Malta
5. Jessica, for nostalgia if not actual merit
Yeah, that seems about right. I don't know when the late night rewatch threads on a Wednesday even became a thing rather than a fun extra on the Saturday.
I feel vindicated after Marie Myriam confused Royaume-Uni and Roumanie
We've now got duelling options. I don't know why I voted, I'm going to bed/playing Dragon Ball after this!
I'm not voting because I'm not watching either. I say we punish the late night people by making them watch Eurovision 2004 as a main event sometime in July.
:D:disco: I might actually join in next time there’s a particularly dreadful selection if we’re playing RATE THE BOOBS

Although obviously I’ll also throw in a POTENTIALLY HAIRY BACK RATE for balance :disco:
Boobs rate has always been a part of this game. :disco: At least as long as much of the forum are distracted by whatever gay teacup storm they are concocting.
There's still some tension about whether we'll make our third successive 2000 post rewatch.

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