Nintendo Direct 17/2/21 - 10pm GMT

Camelot making another golf game when they could be making Shining Force IV :cry:
Obviously Capcom Arcade is god-tier and the ability to rewind is brilliant but please stop fleecing us buying individual fucking +30 year old games for a fiver.
Even worse, it's GAME PACKS where to get one or two you actually want you get a load you couldn't care less about :angry:
DC is a bit lacking in FABULOUS HEROINES isn't it?
This is the soggy bottom portion of the presentation then.
Confession time, I haven't played Animal Crossing since about JUNE and now I'm too scared to look at what's waiting for me.
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Oh my god, I guessed the pipe travel thing.

I hate the blocks and thwomps though.
I'll buy any old shit that resembles a tactics game but I've played enough of them to ask first WHO is making it.
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They’re dedicating a bit too much time to this considering they need to show off BOTW2 at the end.
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Think they might need to work on that title but it looks SEMI INTERESTING.

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